Obstetrics and Gynecology Wedding Examination Period and Expenses Prior to Marriage

Obstetrics and Gynecology Wedding Examination Period and Expenses Prior to Marriage

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Obstetrics and Gynecology Wedding Examination Period and Expenses Prior to Marriage

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the action of beginning preparations for getting married, but spare my husband and su dwu me (a studio, and a dress, makeup ) the wedding place prior to marriage, there is no intent on to marriage, to look into the wedding a medical examination time period and costs of obstetrics and gynecology in accordance with the same, I advise you to confirm pregnancy and childbirth plan.· childbearing age range of marriage unlike the past becomes exposed to various kinds of harmful factors such as the environmental hormone barren, · infertile couples increasing every year. infertility you can see from the 5 percent hike in the past three years, attempt to give birth to a baby from conducting an inspection ahead of pregnancy after her marriage plans, shall be inspected by health of the body in advance would not either.fetal growth gave birth without medical examination plan earlier than healthy pregnancy, I can’t rule out the possibility of a problem is happy, but in a fetus. For example, in the German early stages of pregnancy or infected by virus infection in a fetus, and congenital malformation, which can cause is very high. Wedding inspected by medical examination in advance in accordance with the time period and costs of obstetrics and gynecology antibodies confirming whether or not the inoculation rubella vaccine in advance is recommended.to give birth without medical examination to fight hard for the duration of a husband and wife of their pregnancy, many years that he will not wasted. spare wedding screening or genetic diseases, the United States if her husband is not an option doesn’t get if we do.The higher the age of marriage becomes both maternal and child for the proportion of the possibility of the barren and children safe without any problems you need To systematically manage it in the first place he wants to give birth. Health is a healthy pregnancy and delivery the health of women in particular the most important point for need to treat a disease that occurs in its early stages.

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Basically, it includes examination items such as blood and ultrasound, and the examination items may change depending on the age, health condition, and menstrual cycle of the individual, and the cost of a wedding checkup at the obstetrics and gynecology department may change. Women’s diseases are often discovered late because there are no specific subjective symptoms. Medical examinations not only provide early response to diseases affecting pregnancy and childbirth before marriage, but also provide for possible future problems.Obstetrics and gynecology check-ups include regular check-ups for unmarried women and wedding check-ups for prospective brides. Basically, ultrasound examination is used to check if there are any abnormalities in the shape or function of the uterus or ovary. Uterine myoma, adenomyopathy, ovarian cyst (blister) may be found, and if there is a large lesion, it may interfere with pregnancy, so we need to proceed with the treatment.

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Tests should also be conducted to identify cervical cancer, which is the most common among cancers associated with the uterus, especially women. In addition, wedding examinations covering various areas such as hepatitis A and hepatitis B, rubella, blood, kidney function, liver function, fungal examination, human papillomavirus examination, etc. are required.The reason why we have to check if there are antibodies such as rubella and hepatitis during the examination and if there is a sexually transmitted virus is to give birth to a healthy fetus. In the case of hepatitis, it can cause miscarriage, premature birth, deformity, and the sex-mediated virus has a fatal effect on the fetus, so it is essential to check whether it is there or not.

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Tests should also be conducted to identify cervical cancer, which is the most common among cancers associated with the uterus, especially women. In addition, wedding examinations covering various areas such as hepatitis A and hepatitis B, rubella, blood, kidney function, liver function, fungal examination, human papillomavirus examination, etc. are required.The reason why we have to check if there are antibodies such as rubella and hepatitis during the examination and if there is a sexually transmitted virus is to give birth to a healthy fetus. In the case of hepatitis, it can cause miscarriage, premature birth, deformity, and the sex-mediated virus has a fatal effect on the fetus, so it is essential to check whether it is there or not.

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価格に関するお問い合わせ予約 02-541-3121診療案内月、火、木、金 11AM~7PM水曜日 2PM~7PM土曜日 11AM~3PM昼休み 1PM~2PM祝日、日曜日 休診におすすめ(道路名/新住所) ソウル江南区狎鴎亭路28キル 14ヒョンウォンビル 2階(地番/旧住所) ソウル江南区新沙洞 578-4 2階狎鴎亭駅 4番出口 50m NAVER Corp.もっと見る/OpenStreet Map地図データx NAVER Corp./Open邑面 Stapley Corp.

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Apgujeong Main Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic, 2F, Hyungwon Building, 28-gil, Apgujeong-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

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Apgujeong Main Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic, 2F, Hyungwon Building, 28-gil, Apgujeong-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

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